The use of purchased email accounts is a common practice of two profiles of people: assumed spammers and unsuspecting novices who think they are doing email marketing. In relation to the first group there is not much that we can say besides the obvious (that we are absolutely against any postage to purchased lists, that we consider that practice as spam, etc.), but in relation to the second there is still hope at least as far as Regarding awareness. This post is therefore dedicated to those email marketing apprentices who, due to inexperience, consider purchasing a list of purchased emails.
There are a number of reasons not to use a purchased list, see some below:
False emails: the number of emails “invented” in those lists for sale is immense, which makes the percentage of errors in the shipment is large or sufficient to attract the attention of suppliers such as Hotmail and Gmail. This large number of erroneous addresses ends up hurting the sending of correct emails, since the providers identify that shipment as spam and block all subsequent shipments of that IP or domain.
Spamtraps: one of the things that report that a user is using a purchased base is the presence of spamtraps in the contact list, which in English literally means spam traps. In purchased lists there are several of those emails created by the suppliers with the sole purpose of deceiving spammers. Many of the emails from these lists are obtained through programs that capture addresses on the Internet. Spamtraps are “baits” for those programs to capture and end up sending campaigns for them, falling into a trap.
As this email is only used for the purpose of capturing clueless spammers, there is no way to argue that there was an opt-in. It is clear that whoever is sending to this contact is doing a shot of unsolicited emails, that is spam. If a provider identifies that in a shipment several emails are being sent for those contacts with traps, it can block the IP and the domain of the sender in the future.
Low reputation interaction: valid emails that were on those lists will rarely integrate with campaigns from unknown senders. Why? Because most people on the Internet distrust unsolicited emails. Spammers are notorious applicators of hits and various frauds, and just for that reason it is necessary to take a series of measures to never have your email confused with that type of email.
Blocking against email manager: our email marketing tool has severe policies against the practice of spam. In case the use of lists purchased by email manager users is verified, they will have their accounts blocked immediately. This measure guarantees that other users are not harmed by the unethical practices of some.
Those are just some examples of reasons not to fall into the temptation of the quick lists that are sold out there. There are several other reasons that we will discuss in other posts, but we hope you already have a clear idea of what the purchase of emails entails.