Content marketing generates high expectations among small businesses

Both large organizations and SMEs clearly have the importance of developing a content strategy within their marketing actions. In contrast, there are notable differences in how both focus on this activity; According to the latest study by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) sponsored by Outbrain.

According to B2B Small Business Content Marketing. 2013 Benchmarks, Budget an Trends, pumice marketers are strongly committed to content marketing. Among its conclusions it emphasizes that:

Small businesses allocate more resources to content marketing. Specifically, they invest 31% of their budget; In addition, 57% stated that it planned to increase that percentage. In contrast, larger firms devote only a quarter (24%) of their potential, while only 46% intend to devote more.

SMEs focus their strategy on a few techniques. These organizations include an average of 12 different types of activities within their strategy; Compared to 16 of the big ones. Participants in the study stated that while event attendance is one of the most effective methods, it is not their preferred practice. 86% participate in social networks and blogs, 82% write articles, 81% send newsletters and 73% produce audiovisual content. Large companies place greater trust in videomarketing (87% Vs. 73%); In contrast, small ones have higher expectations in blogging (60% vs. 46%).

The smaller ones use more social networks than the big ones. Specifically include 5 of these platforms within their strategy, compared to 4 of their older sisters. There are also differences as to which 2.0 channels each prefers one of them:

  • The SMEs bet on LinkedIn (83%) while the big ones choose Facebook as the first option (80%).
  • In second place they stay with Twitter (81%), like the others, but in a smaller percentage (76%).
  • Facebook is relegated to the third position (80%), a position that YouTube occupies in the case of large (74%).
  • When preparing the content, SMEs cook it at home; Only 39% subcontract this service; While 2 out of 3 large companies choose to outsource this activity.

As for the objective of its content strategy, there is also a significant difference in terms of the size of the organization. Smaller businesses are especially concerned with providing enough content, while the main goal of large companies is to produce that kind of content that is truly effective and engages the audience. Only a third of both types of organizations consider their actions to be truly effective; Although the small ones think to continue striving to obtain a better result of their efforts.