20 data and statistics that demonstrate the power and influence of social networks

Social Media is already part of the marketing plan of most companies. According to the latest Social Media Marketing Industry report, 79% of marketers have already integrated social media into their overall marketing strategy.

As evidence of its influence and effectiveness, Hubspot collects a series of data, figures and statistics corresponding to different and multiple studies and research. Value data that undoubtedly highlight the relevance and importance of this type of media.

  • In the United States, internet users spend 27% of their time online on social networks.
  • US mobile users spend 15% of their time connected to Social Media.
  • Social networks generate about twice as many leads as other marketing actions such as mailing, PPC shares, telemarketing or fairs.
  • The conversion rate of these leads generated by social networks is 13% higher.
  • 21% of marketers say that social networks have gained special importance within their marketing strategy in the last 6 months.
  • 62% of marketers spend at least 6 hours a week updating their social profiles.
  • 92% of participants in the study of SocialMedia Today have registered the profile of their company on Facebook.
  • 3 out of 4 marketers indicates that Facebook is especially relevant to their lead capture strategy.
  • Facebook also influences when it comes to increasing web traffic. Companies that get more than 1000 I like receive about 1,400 more visits a day.
  • 49% of marketers would opt for Facebook if only they could choose to be in a social network.
  • More than half of the companies (52%) have got customers through Facebook, 43% on LinkedIn and 36% on Twitter.
  • 1 in 3 companies on Facebook ensures you can measure the ROI of your strategy
  • Facebook posts record their maximum reach during the first 30 minutes of life.
  • 85% of a brand’s fans recommend it to their contacts.
  • Twitter is a social network especially suited for technology addicts. 59% of its users recognize that they have visited the website of a B2B company in this sector, a rate significantly higher than 40% of the average.
  • Users turn to social networks as a customer service channel, and demand an agile response from the brand. 25% of Twitter or Facebook users who are targeting a brand expect the company to respond within a maximum of one hour.
  • Women are especially active in social networks. 48% of them regularly consult the social profiles of their favorite brands, compared to 43% of men.
  • 23% of marketers are planning to increase their budget for blogging and Social Media this year, which is 9% more than the previous year.
  • Social networks are a reliable source of information for users. Almost half (46%) takes into account the information obtained through the Social Media when making a purchase decision.

Do you agree with these figures? What is your experience?