Why you need a dedicated cleaning team

The office is an environment that we all use and contribute to. Unfortunately one of the things we contribute is rubbish and waste and mess. Whilst most of us should have the good sense to keep the place tidy, especially our own work desk and office space, with careful ongoing management the daily pressure of workload and distractions mean that we don’t always get the chance to get things done.


If the office descends into a mess it is definitely time to think about utilising some of the following policies within the work environment.

  1. Get Office Cleaning Forest of Dean based company Into cleaning in to see about a regular cleaning practice. This can be as regular or irregular as you like.
  2. Create a tidy desk policy. Make sure that you instruct all members of staff that they have to ensure their desk or work space is clean before they leave to go home.

  1. Encourage them to tidy as they go. Rather than come back to a mess make it known that they have the time and the space to clean it there and then.
  2. Make sure there are plenty of bins around, and that they get emptied regularly. You also need to mix them up so that you have a recyclable and non recyclable bin. If you work in that kind of industry you may well need to have a confidential waste bin for paper.

Follow these simple rules and you should be able to get a nice level of cleanliness that is acceptable for all.