The smartphone will be the main protagonist in the management of business events in the future. This is how Grass Roots, a multinational focused on helping organizations improve their business results.
“The attendees will be invited by the smartphone itself and this will identify them through an electronic device at the entrance displaying material and welcome messages. It is the best option for companies that rely on networking, “says Nick Bender, Global Events Director of Grass Roots. Bender believes that the ability to establish professional relationships through networking and technological innovations, such as social networks designed for the event, will make dealing with attendees more direct and even easier when establishing personal relationships between the organizers and assistants.
The annual Congress of the multinational, the largest agency of events in Europe according to BHA, was attended by executives of major brands such as British Airways, KPMG, Morgan Stanley, Ernst and Young and brought together the greatest experts and professionals in the sector and the specialized press. “We have seen how, thanks to the events, the professionals have united their knowledge to be part of our annual meeting turning it into a great laboratory of ideas”, underlines Mar García, general director of Grass Roots, who affirms to continue trusting in the importance of the sector in a period of economic crisis.
Bender affirmed that we will live through a decade of economic turbulence without forgetting that sustainable economic growth is the main driver of the economy. He also recalled that technology will continue to innovate and the event sector will benefit from all these developments since traditional events will coexist with digital conversations at a distance. The manager trusts in the commitment to international relations and globalization on a large scale in the companies that will lead to manage more events in the next decade.
In addition to talking about the sector of events, the Congress opened a parenthesis to talk about the 2012 Olympic Games that will take place in the British capital and what will be their effects at the national level.