What are the threats to the future of the Social Media sector?

Last week we could read that the Social Media and digital content sector “could create between 175,000 and 305,000 new jobs in until 2017, which meant multiplying by 1.9 direct jobs in these areas, in a scenario Conservative, or in 2.5, in an objective scenario, according to a report on the most demanded professional profiles in the industry from 2012 to 2017. “ This statement could be the face A of our currency. But what about face B?

Before proceeding with my argument, I want to make it clear that the news I like and I would love these expectations to be fulfilled. I’m not going to be the one who throw stones at his own roof.

However, the report also speaks of threats to the sector, such as strong foreign competition, uncertainty about market trends, attacks against intellectual property, high speed of technological development and the loss of qualified professionals.

Well, to this list I would add two threats that I consider to be the main of this profession of Social Media and Content Marketing.

Main threats to the Social Media Sector: Professionals and Companies

And I will argue my idea. Social Media has given me the best moments when my personal life was on the tightrope. Therefore, my gratitude and absolute devotion to this profession is beyond doubt. But we have to be realistic, precisely, to combat those problems that may arise.

Being unemployed does not mean giving away our work

On the one hand, it is becoming common practice for certain workers in the sector to offer their services for 100 euros per month. You’re going to forgive me. But this is not the way to dignify a profession. Being unemployed does not mean having to punish or give away our work, are circumstantial circumstances. Our time is as valuable as any other professional. I am intrigued to know what is offered in exchange for that amount. Honestly, it is impossible for me to imagine a job well done. Because nobody works for free. We already know that cheap is expensive.

This topic links with that of the companies. And here the problem acquires a dimension of concepts. From my experience, the difference between Social Media and Community Manager is not very clear. We could even say that we do not know what the function of either is. And probably the fault is ours.

Seek to build a good strategy for your personal or professional brand; Manage their presence in social networks; Watch over your online reputation; Optimize presence through SEO techniques, and measure results. But first and foremost, before they make any contracts, they want to know how much they are going to earn, what their benefit will be for being there, but not in a general way, but asking for concrete figures. What we are not is gurus. And an entrepreneur, be wary of anyone who tells you otherwise.

It is also true that the moment of economic crisis does not help either. Businesses can not afford a strategist, a community manager and an SEO expert. Understandable But what is not understandable is that it seeks a profile as complete as possible for 100 euros per month.

In short, both those who dedicate themselves to this profession, as the companies themselves, we have work to do and goals to reformulate. And training in this whole network is fundamental. Knowing the concepts and their meaning will help us determine what goals we want to achieve and what we want to achieve to achieve our goals.

The relationship between Business and Social Media is possible. We must reformulate our goals

In any case, these reflections do not seek another objective than to strengthen the cooperation between Social Media professionals and companies, to overcome those barriers that separate us to establish a true relationship of trust that leads to mutual benefits.