Management of online work teams: the magic is in the efficiency

Certain trends change the traditional paradigm of work. The new technologies allow a greater labor flexibility, from the work at a distance without having to appear in an office, to the organization of collaborative projects via the web.

Nowadays, companies have the possibility of enlarging their employee list without multiplying their facilities and expenses by outsourcing or hiring teleworkers. But how to maintain control over resources and projects?

With this idea in mind, KMGi developed Transparent Billing, a cloud-based software that allows efficient management of virtual work.

Online work is becoming the new form of recruitment par excellence. Today a professional can work from the comfort of his home, from the table of a bar or even sitting on the lawn in the middle of a park. You only need to be connected to the network wirelessly. In this context, more and more companies are hiring freelance employees through the internet. This system allows them to improve the quality of work, ensure that they can count on the best talent no matter where they are and obtain a reduction in costs.

But how can a company do to know what their employees are doing? In what way can you guarantee that you are complying with the work hours that have been agreed upon? It does not matter if it is professionals working from the other side of the world or employees who are meters from the supervisor in their same office. The truth is that, when measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the staff, companies face great problems.

Project management remotely

The solution involves the development and use of web tools that allow managing projects in a way that was previously unprecedented. Either to efficiently coordinate the tasks of the personnel located in the same office or to supervise a professional team distributed around the world, the network offers platforms that allow increasing productivity and ensuring the profitability of each project.

“The effective management of work teams is a very important concern for all companies that want to guarantee the profitability of their projects,” explains Alex Konanykhin, online entrepreneur and CEO of the multimedia development company KMGi . According to the executive, personnel expenses are one of the most important components in the cost structure of an organization and, if these variables are not adequately controlled, a potentially profitable business can turn into a deficit in a very fast way.

According to Konanykhin, the global world in which we live demands new forms of operation, more dynamic and flexible, that allow us to obtain a greater degree of productivity with a thorough control of expenses. Your company KMGi has a team of professionals distributed throughout the world. In this way, for example “we can count on the best web programmer located in Ukraine, and the best graphic designer in Barcelona, ​​working in a coordinated and efficient manner on the same product”.

One screen every three minutes

In order to make this task organization effective, KMGi developed a tool called Transparent Billing . Through this application the company gives each employee a username and password to connect to the system online. Every three minutes, the tool takes a screenshot of each of the members of the work team, which can be viewed by the employer from a web platform. In this way, companies can have control of the progress of each employee’s tasks, and generate the necessary feedback immediately to correct future errors or deviations. In this way, each project is thoroughly supervised, the times are optimized and, therefore, the costs of each task carried out.

“We all know that, sometimes, when we hire freelancers or outsource services, we lose control over the tasks and we can not guarantee that the professionals have actually worked for the totality of the hours we are paying them,” explains Konanykhin. One of the objectives of Transparent Billing is to solve this problem.

The tool, which in principle had been created for the exclusive use of KMGi, has just been commercially launched to the market so that all companies can enjoy their benefits and optimize the performance of their work teams. “Our own clients could see the advantages that Transparent Billing gives in the management of their projects with us. It was they who demanded that we start marketing the platform, “says Konanykhin.

The management of work teams through the web generated a radical change in the way our professional life is organized. Increasingly, workers have the possibility to access more flexible work arrangements, thanks to which they can manage their own times and even choose the place from which they work. But this also poses greater challenges for companies, which must ensure proper management of tasks to ensure profitability and allow the sustainability of business. Both to supervise a virtual team distributed around the globe and to adequately manage staff working in traditional offices, this new reality of the labor market requires new management tools through the web.