Companies bet more for branding their online strategies

Businesses and marketers still looking for clear metrics in the ROI of their online brand strategies. In addition, as is clear from the data from a study conducted by CMO Council and developed by Vizu, these companies continue to increase their presence in the online advertising this year, auqnue investing more in efforts aimed at branding.

The study claims that while in previous years, online ads were more focused on direct response strategies the user, this year, the trend is to mix branding efforts with direct response marketing. 64% of respondents plan to carry out both strategies.

And indeed, branding through advertising and digital strategies will have a great growth in spending. 63% plan to invest in this type of advertising compared to 51% will spend more money on direct response marketing.

When it comes to tactics tending to grow in the future, professionals brands in countries like the United States, particularly expect will double growth this year social networking, mobile and video, with 70%, 69% and 64%, respectively. Which means increased demand in the use of these strategies.On the other hand, fewer respondents invested in rich media and standard display, in fact, display advertising will see the biggest percentage decline in investment from advertisers.

However, there are obstacles for marketers to invest more in digital branding initiatives, especially difficulty in measuring the return on investment (ROI). 69% of respondents said they would increase ad spending online brand if there is clarity about the ROI. And similarly, 68% said they wanted to be able to measure the impact of advertising. It seems that marketers are more confident in their ability to measure ROI offline to online. On a smaller scale, a third of respondents intended to use the same techniques to evaluate brand advertising offline for measuring online advertising.

The survey also asked what were the experts would like to use metrics to measure their spending on online advertising: 54% would prefer to use the same parameters used for offline campaigns with the particular Internet metrics.

In line with the interest of those surveyed by the branding, eMarketer estimated that the brand will grow its share of spending on digital advertising in the coming years. This year, US advertisers will spend 17.46 billion dollars in branding, or 41.6% of total digital spending. In 2017, the brand will grow to $ 29,330,000,000 or a share of 48.5%.