The road map of our presence in Social Media is the Strategy

It is a fact that for some time now companies, whatever their size, have surrendered to the evidence that they need to have a strong presence in social networks. What still seems not to be common knowledge to these companies is that they can not enter the social ecosystem, in the two-point world, without knowing how to do it.

The road map of our presence in Social Media is the StrategyWe need a road map to get into Social Media, and that roadmap is the Strategy. 

Now that the vast majority of consumers are on social networks and it is they who choose which brand to follow, it is time to take a step forward and establish the guidelines that we will follow to get closer to them, get their loyalty and their engagement and achieve our goal: to sell more.

But we can not achieve our goal if, apart from the fact of selling more, we do not set ourselves other goals to achieve, such as making us known, making us visible. It is impossible for a consumer to trust us to satisfy a need if he does not know us first. Of course, visibility influences how we promote ourselves, the image that consumers have of us will directly influence how we sell ourselves, which is why it is also important, first of all, to establish this.

But it is important, on the other hand, to know where we left off to know where we are going, where we want to go and how. Therefore, it is necessary to know the degree of influence that we have at all times, for which we can use indicators such as retweets obtained, or what is the same, the interaction generated by the content that we share, either own or third .
We need to know to what extent our brand is known and how users consider our content important, what we can do by measuring, for example, the interaction we generate on Facebook or the number of views of the videos hosted on our YouTube channel.

Another important aspect to analyze is the degree of conversation generated and, with it, the engagement that we can achieve from our community, since this is one of the essential aspects, and one of the objectives to achieve, since without it, our efforts they will all be in vain.

Once we have done a thorough analysis of all of the above, it is critical to define which channels are the most suitable for us, always taking into account that we do not have to be in all the channels that exist, but in those that best suit us, besides consider that these channels in which we have presence will require continuous updating, otherwise, it will cause significant damage to our online image.

We must be aware at all times that the execution of a good strategy requires good planning, so it is advisable to establish timetables and deadlines to execute the tactics to develop and to evaluate their operation, of course, giving them a reasonable time to analyze their performance, and, if necessary, modify or eliminate them.