People do not like to just feel like a brand fan number

In the midst of the “boom” of social networks, advertisers and entrepreneurs are still looking for the best way to reach their audiences, customers and consumers. Considering that it is something new and in a certain way unexplored, all help is little. Curtis Hougland, CEO of the company Attention, draws a series of guidelines based on the myths that are being created around social networks.

Are social networks just technology?

Hougland thinks otherwise, from his point of view are biology and consumer behavior. For Hougland, our way of looking at email is addictive, based on the idea that people feel lonely and need to relate to the rest of the world so they do not feel that way. His advice for companies taking into account this information is that they bring users closer to a more personal level.

Hougland agrees that this is another way of relating and that it will alter marketing for years but for the behavior of the networks does not change the consumer but is a reflection of consumer behavior, adding that the need to please of the consumer implies entertainment, utility, reciprocity and values, something that requires the least time and effort to try to understand them in order to offer them what they need.

In these processes, the brand is personalized, when we share it with our friends it becomes “our brand”, something that users really care more than the corporate. Brands need to create a personal relationship with each of the users.

The main benefit of social networks is the “noise” that they provoke

Social networks have transformed into a new link in traditional marketing and a link has become the most persuasive word of mouth. It is therefore important to grow relationships and feed this new link in the chain. For this, within the environment of social media and networks, we must try to relate as much as possible to our consumers and their day to day.

Creativity is essential

Companies can be digital but that does not imply that they are social, the difference between companies that are integrated and others that try but can not do it is creativity.

In summary, it is crucial to relate, connect, use links and be personal. People do not like to simply feel like a fan number of a brand or company. The important thing about the data obtained in social networks about the preferences of users is to know how to use them, not the data itself.