The latest study of the Content Marketing Institute (CMI) reflects a turning point on the part of companies, where they finally give content marketing the importance it deserves, as the nerve center of the company’s online communication strategy. Users not only respond to content, but actively seek it out. Content marketing encourages interactivity with users, both before and after the sale.
The main objective of the content marketing strategy of the companies is the loyalty to the customer (77%), followed by getting new customers (75%) and increasing brand awareness (74%).
Content shares its reign with context.
When developing the content strategy, It is vitally important to take into account where, how and when the user will receive such actions and interact with them. The development of mobile devices and their rapid adoption by users have meant a new demand for content as well as a different way of consuming it. The union of quality content with the here and now that involves the use of smartphones can lay the foundation for a fruitful relationship. Thus, for example, local companies are used in depth to get a direct response by users, developing a call to action strategy, offering local offers or geolocalized actions, along with large doses of graphic and audiovisual content on the product; All aimed at encouraging conversion.
As for the content type that has more acceptance by the users, the activity that takes place through the social networks is the most suitable means to capture the target public and to promote the engagement (80%); 74% of companies surveyed highlight the great power of online articles; While 2 out of 3 bet on the newsletters. Other very interesting actions, which constitute useful and quality information are white papers, blogs, publication of studies and videos.
The basis is to provide value to users, with information that satisfies their interests; Without trying in any way to disguise it of concealed publicity, or sponsored messages, which can provoke the opposite effect, causing the user to reject both the content and the company that provides it.