Participating in a creative past-time that’s not just therapeutic, fun, practical and helps you meet new people but is also endorsed by the medical profession is a real Blessing. Knitting is a hobby that can be enjoyed by men and women, young and old alike. With Knit and Natter Groups springing up all over the Country you should easily be able to find a suitable Group close to your local vicinity. Why not see if you like this fun, practical activity first with a trial run, before you commit to joining a regular Group, purchase yourself a complete, beginners Knitting Kit, that comes complete with a suitable pattern, a set of quality needles, a selection of wool and a darning needle to sew p the finished item.
Once you have got the hang of knitting, why not join a group near you, so that you can pick up tips and get advice if you get stuck. With several health and well-being benefits including concentration, (the brain) manipulation and dexterity, (the hands) and meeting new people and making new friends, (the heart). Just a couple of reasons, knitting is recommended by members of the health profession.
As you get more confident you could order several more difficult patterns to challenge your ability as a knitter. Enjoy the friendship, the chatter and the thrill of completing another knitted project, while keeping your mind, body and soul stimulated at the same time.