Marble Mines around the world

Marble is one of the most beautiful stone surfaces that you can have in an office or kitchen and home.  In addition to its beautiful Sheen it also has a strength and durability that means it can be used for a variety of purposes.  In addition, because marble is easy to cut and shape, it has a  degree of versatility as well. Marble Tiles such those from are great examples of this.

There are several regions in the Globe where marble is found.  Marble like any other resource has to be mined and there has been much effort and expense to gain the best quality stone available.  One of the best examples of this are the Carrara  marble mines in Italy.  They are famed for their beautiful white finish and have been in use since Roman times.

Proconnesus  marble mines in Turkey are to be found on the Marmara islands.   Though it also has the white marble of the Italian stone it features blue grey streaks  and veins which gives it a certain definition over the plain white making it very popular.

Finally, the Vermont marble mines located in the north east of the United States of America have been found to contain some extremely high quality deposits of marble. These are the Danby mines  where the marble has a glittering crystalline quality.  This marble has been the basis for many of the United States monuments and frontages for public buildings.